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Our Story
Mis Amigos Languages:
It all started with a Spanish lullaby,
and a Spanish summer camp.
¡Bienvenidos a Mis Amigos Languages!
Childhood experiences such as singing Spanish lullabies with my
“Abuela”, and learning about “Zarzuelas”, from my parents, to
accompanying my father to business meetings and being
‘immersed’ in Italian and French shaped my love for languages and global culture.
When my son was born, I knew it was of utmost importance that I raise a globally minded child while keeping our traditions alive. To do so, I needed to provide him with not only early and continued exposure to languages and culture, but to the joys of discovering the world through each other.
I formed a team comprised of native teachers who have over30 teaching experience.
As a licensed clinical social worker with many years of experience in infant mental health, I was in search of a Spanish program that embraced not only languages and culture, but one in which
languages were taught from a developmental perspective with the 'whole child' in mind. Inspired by
the work of Piaget, Vygotsky, Khul, Eric Lenneberg's (critical period/window of opportunity) and
Howard Gardner's theory of "multiple intelligences", I began to piece together my dream.
To immerse children in a foreign language program, various requirements had to be met, namely the following: First, knowledgeable, native teachers who offer quality instruction and secondly, teachers who felt they could make a difference in the life of a child thus enabling children to feel equally motivated.
One summer, a few ‘Amiguitos’ got together and formed a ‘Spanish summer camp’. After proving to be an effective immersion method and by much insistence of other moms interested in the same language and culture immersion program for their children, Mis Amigos Languages was born.
Today, “our worlds come together” everyday as we learn from our children, our parents and each other. It’s an immensely rewarding experience to see how our program and our children both continue to grow to higher levels together. They are able to not only experience success, but also master the French and Spanish language both in conversations and comprehension outside the classroom.
Last summer, one of our students asked her parents to take her to visit Spain after two years of immersing herself in Spanish at Mis Amigos Languages. Upon her return, with great enthusiasm she shared her experience:
"During my first trip to Spain, I was able to speak to the people there and
order my own food"," I recognized the items in the menu without asking
forexplanations","When we visited 'El Museo del Prado', I knew who
Goyaand Diego Velazquez were and even remembered from camp the
nameof 'Infanta Margarita' from the painting Las Meninas which we did
in class."
Gabriela Vilar, 7 year old, student at Mis Amigos Languages
More stories such as this one, along with the latest tips in language acquisition and more will be shared in our ¡HOLA! Blog. Please feel free to share your stories with us, we'd love to hear from you!
Your children never cease to amaze me! It is my pleasure to be part of such an important aspect of their lives as they prepare to embrace the 21st century. I invite to experience Mis Amigos Languages by having your child participate in a free class today.

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